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Silo- or web-kinda person?

Juanita Molano Parra

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When you approach a new problem, how do you tackle it?

I’ll tell you how not to.

As business creators, we so often try to handle problems by ourselves. Which is fine, except other people have overcome these same issues before. And written extensively about it.

Why don’t we consult them? Or reach out to them?

Why do we silo ourselves when we easily could approach a friend, colleague or network to ask for advice?

Why don’t we approach problems as a web instead of a silo?

A few reasons from my and my clients’ experience:

  1. We don’t like asking for help (I wouldn’t know anything about that 🙄)

  2. We want the ego high of saying we did it all by ourselves

  3. We don’t think anyone else has experienced what we’re going through

While I’m at home in Colombia, I’ve connected with other entrepreneurs and business creators. And most have dealt with similar challenges:

  • Defining their value proposition

  • Structuring their operation

  • Planning and tracking their finances

You name it. They’re literally experts in solving the exact problem I have.

I’ve made a bad habit out of reinventing the wheel every time I need to solve a problem or create new pieces of my business.

When it’s far easier to send a message and get help from someone who’d be more than willing to provide it.

Next time you approach a challenge, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any other friend or peer for support. I know it can feel hard, but it will surely save you lots of time.

And what entrepreneur wouldn’t want more time on their hands?!

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