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Global stage, here we come

Juanita Molano Parra

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We’ve made it to the global stage. Literally.

The Association for Coach Training Organizations accepted our proposal to speak at their 2022 conference. And their theme? Evolving from the Essence: Weaving Global Voices.

Who better to speak on coaching across cultures, languages and norms than the I Feel Awful team?

We are four coaching colleagues, born in different continents and raised in different cultures. From China and Germany to Colombia and the United States.

We look different, talk different, have different personalities. But despite our differences, we share the same passion for transformational work with our clients. On leadership and life.

We are business owners, multilingual podcast hosts, experienced in living and coaching outside of our comfort zone. Which is what we’re sharing at ACTO and why I’m sharing this with you, [name], today.

Both in coaching and in business, the magic is not what you see at the surface – but what lives underneath: The Possibility Underneath Possibility.

It’s not just about the beautiful product you deliver or the unique service you offer (although that is important!).

It’s about the experiences and purpose that guided you, it’s about the values that supported your choices, it’s about the faith and authenticity that got you through the tough times while staying true to your Self.

At the conference in September, we’ll share a lot more about this. In the meantime you can take a look at those pieces that live under the surface in your business: What is your guiding purpose? What are your core values? Not the easy or sexy questions we want, but two that are very important to answer.

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